Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy – 5 Healthier Holiday Tips

Can you believe it’s the middle of December already? By now you are probably starting to feel the rush of the holiday season set in.  Shopping, parties, presents, programs, and family gatherings.  And they are all happening on top of an already hectic schedule.  It’s no wonder that we start to put our health on the back burner during this time of year and are craving a healthy change in the New Year!  Why wait for January to take care your health?  Here are five easy ways to get a head start and feel better during the holidays!

1.      Don’t Forget To Eat Breakfast - It’s the first meal of the day and can set the tone for the rest of the choices you make, so choose wisely.  Pick healthy, filling options like a veggie omelet, fresh fruit with yogurt, or oatmeal with peanut butter.  By making good choices early on, you’ll be less tempted to head for the treats later in the day!

2.      Keep the Water Coming – In the winter, it’s easy to forget to drink water consistently.  When that happens, we start to confuse thirst with hunger and end up snacking when all we really needed was water.  Keep a water bottle with you at all times so you don’t forget to keep drinking!

3.      Give Yourself a Break – Try to block out a small amount of time each day where you can sit and soak in your surroundings.  Let the rush and stress of the day fade away and take a moment to just breathe.  Sometimes, just giving yourself 10 peaceful minutes to relax can make a huge difference in how you take on your daily tasks.

4.      Pre-Party At Home – Parties are always on the schedule this time of year, but they can be filled with tempting, unhealthy foods.  Rather than filling up at the party, plan to eat a healthy snack or meal that will keep you full while you’re out.  Then you can focus on enjoying the company you’re with rather than the treats!

5.      Don’t Skimp on Sleep – Keep your nighttime routine consistent and make it a priority to get at least 6 to 9 hours of sleep each night.  Staying caught up on sleep will help you enjoy the season and resist unhealthy temptations.  

I hope these tips help get you through the busy season a little healthier and happier! 

If you’re interested in learning more about a healthier lifestyle, check out our upcoming workshop in January, Ayurveda: Nature's Healing Medicine, featuring a holistic Ayurveda daily routine, along with a grounding yoga practice.